Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization v3.6 vereinfacht VM-to-VM-Migration

München, Starnberg, 11. März  2016 – Mehr Performance und Sicherheit für komplexe SAP-, Oracle-Implementierungen sowie rechen- und grafikintensive Workstation-Apps…

Zum Hintergrund: Red Hat liefert ab sofort Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.6 aus. Die neue Version der KVM-basierten Virtualisierungs-Plattform liefert demnach eine höhere Performance, Skalierbarkeit und Sicherheit für Linux-Applikationen. Beispiele dafür sind umfangreiche SAP- und Oracle-Implementierungen sowie rechen- und grafikintensive Workstations. Aktualisiert wurden in der Version 3.6 unter anderem die Benutzeroberfläche und die Verwaltungs-Tools. Dadurch reduzieren sich Zeit und Kosten für VMware-Migrationen. Das neue Feature "PCI Device Assignment” beschleunigt Applikationen im CAD/CAM-Umfeld. Damit ist ein direkter Zugriff von physischen auf virtuelle Maschinen möglich und in der grafik- und netzwerkintensiven Verarbeitung lässt sich laut Anbieter nahezu eine Bare-Metal-Performance erzielen.

  • Anwenderzitat Michael Klüsener, head of SAP Services, Finanz Informatik Technologie Service: "SAP solutions in the banking industry require a superior level of performance. The combination of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and the Cisco UCS platform enables us to provide financial service providers with a highly available, scalable, and secure SAP environment in the cloud that helps users significantly reduce their operating costs.”

Die wesentlichen Verbesserungen der Version 3.6 betreffen folgende Bereiche (zitiert aus dem US-Originaltext der Red Hat Veröffentlichung):

Customized for large computing environments like SAP or Oracle deployments, as well as compute and graphic-intensive workstations, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization demonstrated a 36 percent performance advantage compared to other virtualization solutions in SPECvirt 2013 testing. The new PCI Device Assignment feature is designed to accelerate high-performance workloads, such as CAD/CAM. This enables a direct pass through of physical devices to virtual machines helping some customers to achieve near bare-metal performance for critical resources while reducing overhead of multiple, expensive workstations.

Increased Performance and Scalability

  • Hotplug memory support provides dynamic, one-click memory scaling, working with underlying infrastructure to give an application more memory "on the fly” while avoiding disruption to the application runtime.
  • PCI device assignment enables administrators to directly assign a physical adaptor or device to a virtual machine, allowing for near bare-metal performance for graphics and networking-intensive computing.

Security Updates & Risk Management

  • Host Update Manager: Streamlines the patch release process across the virtualized environment through integration with Red Hat Satellite systems management
  • Object Health Status: Provides visibility into external system health events, such as issues with storage, CPU, server or hard-drive performance, via the Red Hat Enterprise VIrtualization interface. This feature alerts admins to events that may cause downtime or negatively impact virtual machine performance, so they can proactively manage risk and potential downtime.

Simplified VMware Migration:

  • Virtual machine-to-virtual machine (Virt-v2v) Integration: Enables customers to identify critical Linux workloads to move to Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization by connecting directly to vCenter and providing simple click-through steps to migrate the workload over. This select workload migration strategy can lower total cost of virtualization and improve performance of mission-critical Linux workloads without the pain of rip and replace.

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